Friday, November 02, 2007

Bad Hair Year

What was I thinking? Somewhere in early spring, I cut several inches off my hair: ten to be exact. It brought it to my shoulders where I would curl it under in a classic look. Cutting a few bangs was a mistake. A big mistake. It was like having to style two hair dos, one for my shoulders, the other for my face. This may suit other women, but I’m a wash and wear hair woman and this was the opposite of what I wanted to do and be. It looked all right for a few weeks, but then it grew into my eyes and the trial began. Oh, for the good old days, when my hair was all long enough to pull into a pony tail. Now when I pull it back, two clumps of hair hang on either side of my face, getting longer everyday, but not long enough. None of the accessories (clips, combs, barrettes) and none of the appliances (curling irons, blow dryers) can make the clumps look decent. It’s a daily challenge. The bangs are just barely behind my ears now, but won’t stay there.

The last time I cut bangs, one of my kids got married and all those wedding photos documented the nightmare. I should have known better. No weddings this year, but it’s a long road to long, and it’s bad hair year.

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